Technical Tasks

Network Data & Design

The team developed data-standards for schedule-based transit networks, tools to develop these networks in based on SFCTA and PSRC model data, and base-year (2012) networks for both the Puget Sound and Bay Area regions.

Transit Demand

This developed the dyno-demand disaggregate transit demand data standard, processes to create dyno-demand files based on SFCTA and PSRC model data, and base-year (2012) demand for both the Puget Sound and Bay Area regions. Demand from the Bay Area was validated against on-board survey and household travel survey data.

Transit Rider Behavior

This task includes the data development from the observed transit route choice and the calibration of route choice models capable of capturing appropriate heterogeneity and sensitivity of transit rider behavior. This task will be informed by SFCTA’s past experience estimating a bicycle route choice model and CTR’s past experience estimating a transit route choice model in Austin.

Transit Performance Data

The team developed the GTFS-STAT and extended the GTFS-RIDE data standards and collated, evaluated, and packaged transit performance data in those formats to be used in regional validation.

Software Implementation

This task developed the transit-simulation software Fast-Trips and includes the refactoring of Fast-Trips to Python and several methodological improvements an feature development.

Examples Development

This task includes the specifying and management of various scenarios used for testing software validity and model performance. Test cases are found in the /examples directory of Fast-Trips GitHub repository and documented in this memo.

Technical Toolbox

Data standards

Code we are developing

Technology we leverage